Monday, April 26, 2010

Get Ready, Get Set, Go!!!

Sock Monkey Monday: A Record Week In Monkeyville!

This week, five Monkeyville Monkeys went to new homes! This is by far the busiest adoption week ever in Monkeyville, and it means that the yearly goal for adoptions has been met already. Monkeyville has also found it's own special look. 

Meet Oliver, the first Monkeyville Monkey to go to Canada, and the most popular expression requested yet! From now on, there will be more Monkeyville Monkeys that look like Oliver, the best part is that he's entirely kid friendly!

Oliver likes his green argyle clothes, but sometimes, he likes to play dress up. 
His favorite outfit is a Ninja. There are lots of Monkeyville Monkeys that are Ninjas now!

Emily and Charlotte went to their new home as well. They're going to be playmates for human sisters! They were very excited to go, and they promised not to fight on the way there. 

Last but not least, Baby Henry also went to his new home. 
He's got a pretty bad binky addiction, but he promised to try to quit so his new friend (who isn't born yet) can play with him. Sock Monkeys love playing with baby people!

Next week, there will be many more Monkeyville Monkeys to share, because this week is even more busy than last!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Sock Monkey Bonus!: The Sisters Bronte

It was such a nice day today in Monkeyville, that Emily Monkey decided to take her favorite book outside to read in a quiet spot. 

That's a big book for such a little monkey.
Looks like Charlotte Monkey didn't want to read, she wanted to play. 
Now that's not very nice. I guess sock monkey siblings are just like human ones!
Aw, that's more like it.

Charlotte is purple and Emily is pink. Both are part of the kid friendly line of Monkeyville Monkeys, and are already on reserve!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Sock Monkey Monday: The Emo Side of Monkeyville

Not all of the sock monkeys in Monkeyville are happy monkeys. Sure, most are, but then there's Yorick.
Yorick likes to sit and contemplate the darker side of life in Monkeyville.
Where do sock monkeys go when they die? 
It's all so futile, the detergent of time washes away all proof we were ever here.
The flowers are beautiful, but their life is so short. Just like the rest of us.

Sometime, the pain is just too much for a sock monkey to bear.
To jump or not to jump?

Today, not to jump.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Sock Monkey Monday: When A Sock Monkey Gets Sick...

For a long time, Sirus Monkey hasn't been feeling well. In fact, back in January, he wasn't feeling well, but he put on a brave face. 
Ignoring the cuteness, if you look at Sirus Monkey's side, you can see a white spot, and a crooked line. He went to the Sock Monkey Doctor the other day, and the diagnosis wasn't good: herniated stitches, which were bleeding stuffing. Poor guy.

Surgery was scheduled for Saturday (as fast as the Sock Monkey OR could accommodate him).Eli went with him to keep him company. Eli was with me when I was in the hospital, so he's a good monkey to have around if you're sick.
First, the paper work. There's always paper work, even for sock monkeys.

Then, it was time for Sirus Monkey to get gowned up. He was nervous, but Eli held his hand.

There was time for one last hug before Sirus had his IV put in, and Eli had to go.
There was lots of sleepy juice in the IV so Sirus would be asleep for the procedure.

De-gowned and ready for surgery. The nurse had put his IV in the wrong arm, but it was okay. 
Yep, those are herniated stitches alright. The Sock Monkey Doctor also discovered that Sirus had a ruptured under arm. Both would need to be repaired ASAP!
 " seam ripper"

After the herniated stitches removed. The rupture is the dark spot on the far right. 

The problematic stitches removed. There should have been far more string for the stitches. No wonder he was bleeding stuffing. 

The Sock Monkey Doctor set to work closing the wound and taking extra time to be sure to close the rupture as well.

Finished, and the surgery was a complete success! No more rupture, no more hernia.

Eli Monkey was waiting for Sirus in the recovery room.
Sirus got lots and lots of cuddles. All on his good side of course.

Bandaged up, but he looks much happier!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Sock Monkey Monday: It's A Beautiful Day!

This weekend, the weather was amazing here in Monkeyville. In fact, it was so nice that it felt like summer had arrived early! With the weather being so nice, Iris Monkey decided that it would be a great day to go and spend some time down at the beach. 

After all of that rain, we had in Monkeyville last week, it was nice to see a rainbow!

Iris Monkey is an intrepid little monkey, and didn't want to sit still. Sock monkeys and water don't usually mix, but she didn't see afraid!
"Oh, what's down there?"

"Can I stick my feet in please?"
Sorry Iris, but sock monkey feet don't belong in the pond. 
Even if she wasn't allowed to get her feet wet, Iris Monkey had a very nice time at the pond. The humans did too, because the water was nice and warm to stand in while taking pictures.

Ah, life is good in Monkeyville.

A Note from the Monkey Maker: Iris Monkey is adoptable and is also child safe. There are no small parts to swallow, and all the materials are lead and phthlate free.