Monday, September 20, 2010

Halloween is Soon!

Now that I don't have to go to school every fall, I've found that it's my favorite time of year. Here in New England, it's the perfect time of year. The weather isn't too hot or too cold, all the tourists go home (at least where I'm from), and Halloween and NaNoWriMo are both right around the corner. Oh yeah, I almost forgot about the apples! There are loads of fresh apples this time of year.

It's a great time of year, especially to be living here in Massachusetts, and for me, to be living not so far from Salem. Friends were visiting, and I had never been to Salem before (despite being descended from one of the Salem Witches). After a bit of playing with Boo, okay, a lot of playing with Boo, it was off to Salem!

Now other people, they would have researched where they were going and what to do there. Not me! Honestly, having grown up in a tourist-y spot, and been to a lot of tourist-y spots, I just figured that there would be signs to the interesting stuff.

Unfortunately, there weren't really any signs, but there was a big red line in the road, which led us here:
 We all agreed that looked nice and tourist-y as well as interesting, and maybe a bit gruesome. Well worth purchasing tickets for.

Unfortunately, the inside of the museum was very dark, and not very photo-taking friendly. It was also Really Creepy and musty smelling. I'm still not sure if that was an authentic musty smell or an artificially created one. I'm going with authentic because it gave me the sniffles.

We got combination tickets for the Witch Dungeon, another witch museum, and a pirate museum too. The second witch museum was far more conducive to photography.
Tituba and her husband John Indian telling some girls about Voodoo, and other such things.

Blast, you can't see that as well as I hoped. It's a hanging of George Borroughs I think.
Fake graves, with the names of some of the victims of the hysteria. There was a cool ghost effect, but alas, that didn't photograph well either. Blast again.

Everyone agreed that with time running out, that we'd skip the Pirates and go to see the Real gravestones. That meant time for SoMoPhos!
 Sirius trying to look threatening against the spiked fence. 
Phrixus, in one of a skeleton's favorite places. He looks quite happy there.

Phrixus and Laertes sit together at the base of a stone. The skeleton at the top was quite fitting.

This was intending to be a much better shot. Height and climbing skill issues prevented that from happening.

All three monkeys pose in the wonderful, end-of-summer sun. It was a gorgeous day, and the perfect day for wandering around in a grave yard.

Monday, September 6, 2010

This is Halloween

It's Monkeyville's first Halloween! This is Very Exciting, because there at lots and lots of great monkeys planned. It's a bit hard around the day job and all of the orders, but the very first Halloween monkey is finished, and there are lots more to come.

Sirius the werewolf!
Sirius is wearing little pants and a T-shirt sewn by me. His chest fur is soft, and the rest of him is cuddly. He's child friendly for kids three and up (wouldn't want anyone to get a hairball from all that fur!). The details of his face are eco-fi felt and embroidered. Sorry, but the pumpkin, chair, and cobwebs aren't included with him. Sirius will be making his debut in the Monkeyville store fairly soon. Hopefully along with a few friends, because the Monkeyville Etsy shop is quite empty right now. Zombies, werewolves, skeletons, oh my!

It's not just Halloween Monkeys that are on their way though, special Christmas Monkeys are coming too! I have to start work on those now, so that they'll be ready in plenty of time for the holidays.