Introducing, probably the hardest monkey I have ever made, Sherlock Holmes!!!
This little guy took a lot of work, and a lot of research to actually make. There aren't a lot of patterns for sock monkey sized clothes. Not only did I make his suit, I made his wee little tie!
He's quite dashing in his little suit too:
I also made that top hat pin cushion. If anyone wants one, I'd be happy to make one for you too. The thing I love about it is that it's tall enough that the needles (except the 3" ones) don't go all the way through.
Of course, without the coat, it's just a guy in a suit, not Sherlock Holmes.
He's showing off the interior of the coat. By the time I made that, I had gotten much better than when I made the suit coat, and realized it needed a lining.
Now *that* looks like a Sherlock Holmes sock monkey!
I can't do a little hat, because in order to make hats, you need things that I don't have like mad sewing skills, and a pattern. If I can find it, I have a little magnifying glass charm that would be perfect with him. I have to look through the Monkeyville stock to see if I can find it though.
I'll post much better photos once I have time to really take them. Sherlock had mysteries to solve though, so I didn't have time. Also, there are still a few pattern making marks on him that I need to clean off. I made my own patters for everything except the little tie. That I used a website for. All of his clothes are removable (including his tie) though I really, really, really don't advise removing anything except his outer coat because it's Really Hard to sew little monkey clothes, so much of the work is hand stitching.