It's been a while I know, I know. I can't explain all of the things that have gotten in the way of me doing Sock Monkey Mondays. Taxes requiring finishing, losing my day job, organs being removed... you know, all of the things that happen in the life of your average sock monkey maker.
Okay, so this year so far has been Really Weird. On the surface, it seems like it should have been terrible so far, and while I'll fully admit that being sick all through February wasn't fun, the rest of the year so far has actually been pretty good. Ninja Muse is probably right about everything happening for a reason, and maybe I'll be lucky and the being extremely sick for a couple of months is all of my bad stuff for the year. It can't hurt to hope!
Now, for some monkey cuteness. I'm sorry, I haven't had time to photograph the elephant, and I'm writing this on my dinner break, so I'll have to save that for Monday's entry. For tonight, it will be some custom order monkeys that I completed this past week.
Okay, so this year so far has been Really Weird. On the surface, it seems like it should have been terrible so far, and while I'll fully admit that being sick all through February wasn't fun, the rest of the year so far has actually been pretty good. Ninja Muse is probably right about everything happening for a reason, and maybe I'll be lucky and the being extremely sick for a couple of months is all of my bad stuff for the year. It can't hurt to hope!
Now, for some monkey cuteness. I'm sorry, I haven't had time to photograph the elephant, and I'm writing this on my dinner break, so I'll have to save that for Monday's entry. For tonight, it will be some custom order monkeys that I completed this past week.
Proof that pirates and Ninjas can, on occasion, get along.
This monkey was super long (as requested). In fact, she measured about two feet tall! I did her arms and tail a different way so that they wouldn't be too heavy and so that she can hang.
She'll be spending a lot of time hanging around I think.
The Ninja is not quite as tall (Ninja Socks don't come in super long sizes). However, he has long skinny arms and a long skinny tail as well. He's supposed to look more like the Original Ninja Monkey. He's similar, but different in many ways. I have to finish up making his little sword before I pop these two in the mail.
I also finished up this girl monkey this past week. She's been dubbed Faith, because I just thought it fit.
The pirate girl was supposed to come with a boa, I happened to find a stash of them, so I included one for this monkey as well. This one is for a charity auction.
I gave her two little hearts on her tummy because the woman who the charity event is for has two kids.
*Is a sentimental dork*
I have to say, that ribbon was one of the harder things that I've had to do on a monkey. It took a quite a few tries to get it right!
Her tail has lots of little pink ribbons on it, with hearts as the loop bit. I happened to see these socks, and they just screamed that they needed to be made into a monkey.
Unfortunately, the rest of the monkeys I've been working on this week are in various states of sewing/assembly, so I can't post photos of them. Well, I could, but a bin on monkey bits isn't nearly as cute as the finished ones. I've also been working on reorganizing the whole house, and the taxes took from 12pm until 3:30am last night to do, so while I'm sort of a bum, I've also been doing lots around the house.
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