Thursday, August 4, 2011

News from the World by THE Ninja Muse

Greetings, Monkeyville blog readers! This is your roving guest Monkeyville reporter, THE Ninja Muse, coming to you from my dining room where Boris Monkey and Voltaire Monkey are currently recounting their vacation to the wonderful state of Vermont, where they experienced things in two weeks that most monkeys wouldn’t experience in an entire lifetime.

Boris, the newest addition to my Monkeyville flock of monkeys showed up at my door three days before leaving for vacation and he was promptly packed in the suitcase for traveling. It was then decided that he needed a travel companion, someone who had been around for a while and could show Boris that traveling with me wasn’t scary and that he wouldn’t get left behind. Plus, it’s scary to be on your own in a new place, isn’t it? So Voltaire bravely volunteered to come along to be Boris’s travel buddy. Into the suitcase he went. Secretly, he was glad to go along, because it’s been so hot here that Ninja Muse Monkey has been a little whiny and Voltaire was a bit tired of hearing it.

Boris and Voltaire weren’t too thrilled about being packed up in a suitcase, but unfortunately, it was just the safest way to travel for them. When your limbs are sewn on, you don’t really want to take the chance of getting an arm or a tail caught on something and yanked off. Luckily, the Monkeys understood, which was a Very Good thing, because they were trapped in the suitcase for three days before they were allowed out!

Finally, after three long days, Boris and Voltaire came out to play! They were so thrilled to be out that they hopped all over Ninja Dad and wanted him to pose for a picture with them. Ninja Dad laughed at them, and at the photographer, but was a good sport about it. 

After posing and grinning for the camera, Boris and Voltaire scampered off to see what kind of trouble they could get into.
The boys found a frame and decided that they wanted pictures of themselves to commemorate the trip, complete with nature-like surroundings.

And after taking the boys’ photos, I tripped over a hole and rolled a little, managing to capture the occasion with a picture.
Then Boris and Voltaire decided they wanted a silly picture of themselves, so they chose the outhouse as a background.
There’s something to be said for the power of suggestion, in Voltaire’s opinion.
While Voltaire was a bit indisposed, Boris clowned around, waiting for his pal.
Then, Boris found a bug! He was so proud of finding his first ‘wild animal’ of the trip! It’s a leaf bug!
Voltaire met up with Boris again just moments later and the two of them shared a giggly moment. I wasn’t allowed to peek until they were ready. When in farm country, do as the hayseeds do!
After that, the boys wanted some quiet time to reflect on their first day out of the suitcase, away from the socks they rode with.  Doesn’t Boris have the cutest tush?

After some rest and relaxation, it was time to chop some wood! Oh no! Monkeyville monkeys don’t have fingers! How can they hold an axe? Boris was insistent that he could do it, but luckily, Voltaire knew better, so being the sweet Monkey he is, he offered to hold the wood.
 Just like Voltaire thought, Boris was just a tad too short to reach, so chopping wood was out of the question for these guys.  They did cheese it up for the camera a little, though!
Whew, even just preparing to chop wood is hard work! It’s time to make some iced tea and cool off in front of the fan for a little while!
By then it was starting to get dark, so it was time to light the gas lamps. Boris offered to do that, since he wasn’t able to chop the wood. Even though Monkeys shouldn't be playing with matches, he wanted to help and he was careful. 
Now that there was light, Boris and Voltaire could see to start writing out postcards.  “Dear Ninja Family…”

Then they had some time to play a few hands of cards. Voltaire taught Boris how to play Gin Rummy, and then Boris taught Voltaire the subtle art of losing.

Finally, it was time to wash up and go to bed. The boys poured the water into the basin.

And then it was time to end the day! Good night, lovely blog readers!


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