Monday, June 21, 2010

Sock Monkey Monday: Laertes and Some Gifts

This week, I went out with Laertes to some of the old cemeteries here in Monkeyville. Being a monkEmo monkey, I just had to do it.

 This is a different cemetery than the other two. It's next to a church, and the inscription on the... um... I don't know what they call it, said "1839". It's very small, and situated behind one church and across the street from another.

I couldn't find the name for it, because the historic site marker was too faded. The graves were all nearly blank too, with the inscriptions all washed away (at least the ones that I could see, I couldn't actually get up there to walk around amongst them).

This is my favorite from the day, slightly modified once I was home.


I also brought him to the same cemetery that I brought Voltaire:

I remembered to photograph the sign this time, so I could remember what it was called.


 I think that the monkEmos will all have their photos taken at the local cemeteries. It just fits.
 I have to admit, I love this monkey. He's one of my favorites.

This week was a busy week. I completed the second monkey for the person at work (so cute!) and I also completed these two guys for some friends:

 Yep, I made a red heel monkey. The red heel one is named Nicholas Nickleby and the one that's more monkEmo style is named Mercutio.

Like Eli and Sirus, these two guys love each other despite their differences.

Close up of their tattoos. Nicholas:


 That was a lot of words for a little monkey, but I'm glad they fit. I think I'll use the idea of the "ribbons" over the heart again in the future. Though it is way easier to only have to fit three letters.

I have ONE more pair of the red heeled socks if someone would like a monkey made with them. Please email me at angelaroussell0(AT!)gmail(DOT!)com with the subject "sock monkey" if you would like to be the one to have him (or her). Also, that's a zero before at.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Sock Monkey Monday: Oy....

This week, I finally got the letter from the IRS about the supposed $45 I owe them, so I can file the amended return. One problem, when reorganizing Monkeyville, I put the W-2's for 2009 where I wouldn't lose them. If you know me well, you're already shaking your head.

Of course, I wouldn't have put them in with the rest of the tax return stuff from previous years (though I did look). Nope, that would have made too much sense. So, this weekend I had to call in all of the sock monkeys to help me look.

There were only so many places these W-2's could be, so everyone set about looking.

Tobey (left) and Basil (right) checked the Monkeyville Files. Nope, not there.

Sirus checked his art supplies:

They didn't look like they were there.

Dorian checked the fabric bin... because you never know...

Nope, not there, but check out the cool book!

Gorilla checked the writing bin... at great risk to life and limb!

That bald kitty, he thinks Gorilla is tasty... and I just realized that it's actually an orangutan, not a gorilla. Oops.

Everyone had checked the desk numerous times, but Chloe Monkey tried again anyway.

Nope, no luck.

Wait a minute... Yorick, what's that?

I don't remember those papers being there yesterday...

No way...

 YAY!!! Now I can get my $1100 back from the IRS!!!

After the frantic search, Eli said he'd help with the clean up a bit, which is great, because I really needed someone to ball yarn.

Also, I think he was a bit jealous that he wasn't getting enough camera time.

Things went well enough at first, but once the skein of yarn got close to the end...

I think part of the problem was the lack of fingers.

Sirus, like a good husband*, tried to come to the rescue.

I don't think he helped that much though.

However, they didn't seem to mind being all wrapped up together... at all...

Sigh, to be a newly wed again.

In other news, I finished this guy Thursday for a friend at work.

 He's for her son's high school graduation. I didn't pick out the little clothes (I almost died from cuteness overload though!) and her son liked the monkey so much, he actually brought it with him to the graduation ceremony.

A teenage boy liked the monkey that much. I'm just in shock! Monkeyville is now officially cool!

Oh, and when I was talking about cutest wittle shoesies ever, look at these and tell me they're not freaking adorable!

I did have to give him specially sized feet to fit the shoes, but it was so worth it!

*Sirus and Eli eloped. They are now Sirus and Eli Ryskamp-Monkey, because Sirus couldn't have the initials SAD. It just wouldn't work. There will be a story about that just as soon as it stops raining. Hey, it's legal here!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Sock Monkey Tuesday: Laertes and Some Custom Monkeys

My apologies for Sock Monkey Monday actually being on Tuesday this week. Monkeyville has been incredibly busy and rainy. In fact, every time I want to bring Laertes outside, it rains. No fair!

Instead, I had to use the Sock Monkey Photo Studio for him. I was playing with the settings on the camera for this one as well, trying to get him to look just the right shade of red.

He really looks rather menacing. He's actually a very nice monkey though.
I saw a skull in a store at the mall, and I just had to make a sock monkey based off of it.

He's made of only socks, felt, and embroidery floss/pearl cotton, meaning that he's CPSIA compliant, and he's also kid-friendly.

He might look grumpy, but he's really a sweet heart. Look, he even has a stitched up, broken heart! This detail, along with him being skeletal, marks him as one of the new line of monkEmo sock monkeys.

  GratuitousMonkey Butt!

Also, I have a set of five custom order monkeys that I've been working on since I got the last Phantom of the Opera sock monkey done. These have finally gotten to the stage where I can photograph them without them being too embarrassed. As long as the get to keep their bathrobes and towels on!

This was the inspiration:

And these are the monkeys so far:
I should have put them in the order that they're standing, but I didn't have that photo in front of me when taking pictures.
They just need their clothing, and they'll be all set to go to their new homes soon! I think Beth is my favorite. We spent a lot of quality time together while I was sewing her chest.