Monday, February 14, 2011

It's Not Always Sunshine in Monkeyville

It snows a lot here lately, but I'm thinking in the more abstract sense. Monkeyville is usually a very happy place. I make the monkeys because I really love to. In fact, I made them for months before it even entered my mind that I could sell them. I was selfish and wanted to keep all of the cuteness for myself!

First, some monkey awesomeness, then I'll get to the less fun bits.

Ninja Muse helped me with the name for this guy... I just can't remember it. When I saw those socks, I just had to buy them and make them into a Dia de los Muertos sock monkey. I didn't cut the felt, Mumma did all of that work, I assembled it all.

Those socks also come in white. I do remember the name of the white one is Belladonna. I'm a big fan of these guys. The mouths are different from the first skeletons I did, but I think it fits these guys more.

Okay, now on to the not so fun stuff. Unfortunately, even being surrounded by dozens of sock monkeys isn't enough to keep all illnesses away, and this monkey maker is going to have to at least slow down for a little while. I try to keep the Monkeyville blog as happy of a place as I can make it, but that's been difficult lately. For the past month and a half or so, I've been ill. Not horribly ill, just not feeling well. I assumed that it was the stress of working 10 hour days at my day job combined with working full time on Monkeyville. Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to be the case, and things have gotten progressively worse.

I don't know how to say it nicely, for the past few weeks almost nothing I've eaten has stayed down. I've had one day where I could eat normally. Today, I went to the doctor, and this week I have to get an ultrasound and an endoscopy done. Hopefully, the problem will be found and the issue solved so I can get back to making monkeys full speed, and I can just feel better. I have lots of monkeys made to go on Etsy for adoption, but I will say with the doctor's appointments, I probably won't be the fastest at getting them to the post office. At least, for the next week or so. After that, hopefully I'll be back to my normal, super multi-tasking self.

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