Monday, February 7, 2011

Sock Monkey Monday: Pedal to the Metal

 It has been an incredibly busy week here in Monkeyville, so busy, that help had to be recruited. I now have unpaid labor in the form of my family. Thankfully, they don't mind being paid in food, and chauffeur services. I needed monkey stuffers bad this week, and we got quite a bit done, with even more monkeys on the way!

A week's worth of work is quite adorable for Monkeyville!

I haven't thought of names for all of these guys, and I've run out of tags for them all as well. I'll have to make a few more of those before the order comes in. The guy in the front is Gir. Once I had the ears on him, I just had to give him the zipper, and the different eyes.

I love Gir. I kind of want to keep Gir for myself.

I'm also a big fan of the girl monkey in the back. I like her expression a lot.

She has that just right, silly monkey look to her. I like that.

The other monkeys for the week:

Happy Monkey is Happy!

This guy looks a bit sheepish. I want to ask what he's been up too...

I think this guy ate all of the bananas in the house. We're completely out of them.

An accomplice maybe?

More Gir, because there should always be more Gir.

*Hugs Gir*

This week, there will be some truly awesome monkeys. I've been sewing them in batches based on type mostly. The next round a skeletons (mostly) then Pirates.

It's going to be a busy week yet again!

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