It's been a while, hasn't it?
I'm sorry about that, but I have an
excuse reason. A very good one too! I have a day job that requires I spend about 13 hours of the day out of the house. Normally, this isn't so bad because the nice people at The Artful Phoenix here in North Attleboro have been watching over all the sock monkeys and making sure that they don't get into trouble and that they get adopted out to nice people. Unfortunately, The Artful Phoenix is closing its doors at the end of this month, so I had to bring all of the monkeys home with me.
Now, it's one thing to have a monkey or two in the house because Eli and Sirus could look after them until they went to their new home. Now though, Eli and Sirus are heavily outnumbered until I can get all of the monkey's photos taken and them listed on Etsy. After a couple days of coming home to ALL of the bananas in the house eaten and peels everywhere, I had to resort to desperate measures.
I called the Boogie Man of course.
What? You don't have the Boogie Man on speed dial? He's quite useful for wrangling little monkeys of any type! Unfortunately, he's been a bit overworked with a gig rattling pipes and jangling chains. All was not lost though, and arrangements were made for a substitute sock monkey sitter.
A thoroughly stressed Monkey-Maker and Eli greet the sitter... and are quite surprised |
The Boogie Man couldn't come, the Scissor Man was just a bit
too scary for the monkeys, but Boogie Man's little sister was available, and since there's not a lot of money to be made in the Boogie Man industry, she was, well... not exactly happy, but willing to look after the monkeys for a little while.
Just call me Nyx. |
Apparently the Boogie Man's little sister is a demonic pixie named Venyx Malvelius. All little siblings are a bit demonic anyway, right?* I'm a huge Terry Pratchett fan, so the pixie bit didn't surprise me at all. The Boogie Man is in charge of the Tooth Fairy franchises. I checked the monkeys reaction to their new sitter.
Surprise? Shock? There expressions were a bit... woolen |
Introductions were made and though slightly wary, the Monkey-Maker, Eli, and Sirus left the rest of the monkeys in Nyx's care and went out for a day of relaxation. The monkeys were a bit wary at first, they had never seen a demonic pixie before. After a little bit of hesitation, they greeted their new sitter in typical sock monkey fashion.
Monkey snuggle!!! |
Poor Nyx, apparently the Boogie Man hadn't warned her just how difficult it is to wrangle monkeys! I hope the minimum wage she'd be getting would be worth the snuggles!
Omar the Upset Eyeball is not amused. |
Nyx was left with some pretty simple instructions, just take the monkeys out for a bit so they can play, and make sure that they don't get into trouble. The monkeys have a lot of extra energy now that they've been hanging around the house, and I was hoping a good day out would help them burn it off. Nothing a demonic pixie couldn't handle.
Demonic pixie teenagers are still teenagers |
Nyx brought the monkeys to a cemetery not too far from Monkeyville headquarters, and while the monkeys don't mind hanging out in cemeteries at all, it may not have been the best choice for an inattentive babysitter to bring a bunch of rambunctious monkeys!
This doesn't seem like the best idea... |
While Nyx talked and talked and talked, the monkeys ran around and played some typical monkey games. These are better than reindeer games because
all the monkeys get to play regardless of their nose color.
There was some hide and seek:
Stella got picked first to count. |
Can you spot all the monkeys? |
The monkeys did their best to get Nyx off the phone and playing games with them. They were even nice enough to make sure that she would win. Maybe a bit too easy, but Nyx was a good sport.
Found you. Duh. |
Of course, an outing with sock monkeys always has a bit of mischief involved, and Alice and PJ got up to a bit of no good. However, that will have to wait for the next Sock Monkey Monday next week.
*Alright, being an older sibling, I might be a wee bit biased on that.
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