Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Sock Monkey Wrangling Part Two:

When we last left off, Nyx the demonic pixie had brought the sock monkeys to the cemetery to let them run around and burn off some energy. Monkeys, even those of the sock variety, are prone to mischief, and that's exactly what PJ and Alice got up to!
Oops! Hide it, maybe she won't see!
PJ and Alice did their best to look innocent and hide the fallen stone, but Nyx had seen it all. It's one thing to push other monkeys around, but they had damaged property! There was only one thing to be done.
Nyx and Omar delivering the punishment
Nyx wasn't going to let the monkeys get away with breaking stones*, so while the other monkeys continued their monkey games with glee, it was off to time out for PJ and Alice.
Once the monkeys had sat for a little while, and realized what they had done was wrong (okay, a fairly long while) they promised to behave themselves and were allowed out of time out to play with all the other monkeys. It's a good thing too, because next, it was a trip to the playground!
Everyone say bananas!
The playground is much better suited to a bunch of rambunctious monkeys than a cemetery, and Nyx didn't want anymore accidental acts of vandalism. The monkeys could get into all sorts of things at the playground without worry.
Ready? Set?
Alice, feeling bad about her previous misbehavior was a very well behaved little monkey at the playground. She did her very best to show Nyx she was sorry.
See? I'm a well behaved monkey!
Forgiveness was quickly granted. Even a demonic pixie can't stay mad at an adorable sock monkey for very long, and soon Alice was off exploring the playground like all the other monkeys (and a few small humans as well).
Can you see me?
Even Omar, the perpetually perturbed and rather upset eyeball got into the "fun" of things.
Oh, what fun. Can I get off now?
Poor Omar! Forced to enjoy himself and take a ride on the swings! And then... horrors! The slide!
Omar may have been covering his eye, but all the other monkeys, and even Nyx had fun playing! Even though she tried to be too cool for it, the monkeys won out and got Nyx to play with them and have a good time. Sock monkeys are very, very good at bringing out the kid in everyone-- even teenage demonic pixies.

When I got home, the monkeys were all snoozing around the house, all of their excess energy burned off and the house surprisingly quiet despite being filled with sock monkeys. Nyx was paid, and I think slightly disappointed that some of the monkeys will be going off to new homes very soon. However, I'm sure that in a little while, there will be even more monkeys for her to "have" to babysit.

The Details:

Monkey Maker: Angela
Nyx the Demonic Pixie: Valtinen
Monkeyville Sock Monkeys
Omar the Upset Eyeball

Monkeyville Headquarters, North Attleboro, MA
Newell Cemetery, Attleboro, MA
La Salette Shrine Playground, Attleboro, MA

*NOTHING was harmed during the photo shoot or in the making of this blog post. The headstone was already fallen when we got there. In fact, Valt is an expert on cemeteries and their restoration and runs Cemetery Hunters

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