Monday, July 26, 2010

Sock Monkey Monday: More Fred!

 I really like Fred. Being the first Zombie, I have a soft spot for him, and I'm going to miss him when he's gone. However, he's going to a nice home all the way on the other side of the world and I'm sure he'll like it there. He's a lucky little Zombie!

I took lots of Fred photos on Thursday, so I thought that the best way to celebrate the return of Sock Monkey Sunday would be more Fred!*

The sock monkeys weren't very fast runners. When the zombies attacked, they didn't have a chance. Fred was the first victim.

Poor Fred, never stood a chance.

Looks like the zombies got a bit of his brain.

I think the worms got the rest of him though.

These ones were my favorites from the day:

 Gratuitous Monkey Bum:

 Okay, not as much a bum shot as a brain shot. Fred didn't want to sit facing the wall. I don't know why.

Now, this monkey maker has to get back to reorganizing Monkeyville (again, we have a better plan now) and cleaning up the house. Swiffers are good things.

*If you want a lot of attention on deviant Art, post a photo of a zombie sock monkey!

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