Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Oh Noes!

This week, the flock* of Ninjas has been completed. Yay! Hopefully they'll all go to new homes when we do the craft fair in a couple weeks. These ones are a bit different than the first Ninjas I've done. They have all felt details and embroidered, anime style faces. They've been dubbed: Sleepy, Happy, Lefty, Righty, Normy, and O.o**.

I'd love to show pictures of them... except I can't find the memory card for the camera! Oh no! I have a suspicion that it fell behind the nightstand, but I'll have to look all over the house this weekend. A week without Sock Monkey Monday just doesn't feel right! Thankfully, next week the new day job schedule starts, so I'll have lots more time to not only make sock monkeys, but to photograph them as well.

It's not yet Halloween, but my mind is already focused on December and Christmas. December is Sock Monkey Month, and I have to plan what we'll do for that. Hopefully, something Really Good. Hanukkah is Really Early this year, and I definitely want to do at least a couple Hanukkah monkeys. However, Christmas orders have been coming since August, which means unfortunately, I can't take anymore Christmas orders. At least not right now. We'll have to see after we get a bit further into November. For right now, I have to stop taking custom orders or I'll never have time to sleep! A sleepy monkey maker isn't a very good monkey maker. Fingers get poked with needles when I'm too tired***.

Speaking of which, I should go to bed now.

*Well, what else would you call a bunch of Ninjas?
**I've been pronouncing that "whoa" (imagine Joey Lawrence on the show Blossom).
***And more than once, my nose.

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