Saturday, December 4, 2010

Hanging Up The Holly

 Well, Why Not?

Eli Monkey has been working hard to make sure that Sirus Monkey has a Very Nice Hanukkah. There has been lots of snuggles, a few Very Small gifts, and A Lot of Really Good food. Hanukkah isn't Hanukkah without the great food. We're halfway through Hanukkah, and now that the weekend has rolled around, Sirus has started the preparations to make sure that Eli has a Very Nice Christmas (awww). Soon, there will be some photos of them decorating, but they haven't started yet. Due to kitties, the tree has to go up a week before decorating so they get bored with it.

Something like this would be nice:
Best. Tree. Ever.
  Best. Tree. Ever.

Sirus Monkey's tree will have sock monkeys on it, but not nearly that many.

However, since no one really has money for gifts this year, the bottom of the tree was looking pretty empty.
In lieu of presents...
Thankfully, there are loads of sock monkeys to take the place of the presents! This has the added bonus of preventing the kitties from playing under the tree as well.

Not that they didn't try.

 We have to stop telling him he's cute. He's totally milking it now.

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