Monday, December 20, 2010

SoMoMo 20: Scrub-a-Dub-Dub

 Last week, Eli and Sirus did laundry. This week, it was time for the monkeys to get clean.

The Sock Monkey equivalent of a do not disturb sign.

Cannon ball!!! Eli hopped right into the warm, sudsy tub.

Sirus on the other hand, is "surface wash only" so he was far more reluctant to just jump in.


Drip, drip, drip....

Sirus took a bath in a less wet way, and used his wash cloth to get clean. It wasn't as effective, but it meant his seams stayed intact.

True love-- cuddling while waiting to dry.

Note: It's been very difficult for me to get the SoMoMo entries done every day with Christmas coming the end of this week. Sometimes, I'm just not home, sometimes, I'm just out of ideas. I'm trying though!!!

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