Saturday, December 11, 2010

SoMoMo 11: This is Halloween...

 Oh, wait, no it isn't. Well, it sort of is.

Jack. Skellington. Sock. Monkey.

Also, this has to have been the hardest sock monkey to make ever. Though honestly, not too much of him is really sock. As much as I hate to admit it... he's more a doll than a monkey...

Smug little guy, isn't he?

His legs and arms (the ONLY machine sewn bits) are made from linen. His body is sock, but everything except his head is covered in the linen fabric. His feet and hands are sock, and his bow tie is felt.

He poses himself quite nicely.

The whole monkey took over seven hours to make, because So Much of him had to be sewn by hand, and there's so many details.

I want to keep him SO BAD, but there's no way I could make another one of these. I'll miss him greatly when he goes off to his new home.

I initially started making this guy out of a pair of black socks, but it just didn't look right at all. He was too fat, too... un-Jack-ish. It was more of a monkey with some Jack-like details than a Jack Skellington monkey.

Which reminds me, this guy doesn't have a tail. I may put a skinny one on him just to make him a bit more like a monkey than a doll, since I don't make dolls.


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