Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Sock Monkey Month: YAY!!! *Spazzy Arm Waving*

That's right, this month is all about the sock monkeys, and there are lots and lots of things that  the monkeys are up to. Eli and Sirus have been Very Busy the past couple of days, because not only is it Sock Monkey Month, but Hanukkah started today at sundown.

As always, Eli and Sirus have been BUSY! Eli Monkey had the idea to decorate the house for Hanukkah, because he wanted to have a nice First Hanukkah together with Sirus Monkey.

That meant a shopping spree!

Everything Eli Monkey got was blue or white, and Very Sparkly.

Eli Monkey made a centerpiece for the coffee table. Impressive for a guy with no fingers!

Sirus Monkey worked on the centerpiece for the table.

Sirus Monkey arranged the flowers, but Eli picked them out.


After the snuggling, Cosmo helped Eli and Sirus put the finishing touch on the decorations (for now).

Even though they're made from socks, they're all good climbers!


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