Monday, December 6, 2010

SoMoMo 6: On the Sixth Day, JOY!!!

 On the Sixth Day of Hanukkah, There was a Surprise

Sirus and Eli, both being low on funds decided that for the holidays this year, it would be only small gifts, mostly of the homemade variety. Ones that wouldn't bankrupt them, since sock monkeys don't have jobs. Then, this showed up on the doorstep today:

A Big Box address to Eli Monkey!

Eli wasted no time in digging right in

Oh Eli, always have to show your bum off, don't you? At least it's cute.

Inside the box? 

 I think he likes his gift.

Sirus Monkey came over to innocently ask...

And was attacked in the best possible way.

Lots of hugs and kisses for the Best. Husband. Ever.

I think Eli Monkey is the Happiest Monkey in the World right now!!!

A little back story... Eli had the Best Laptop Ever, Laptop Jack, but back in June, it Laptop Jack died a horrible death. Sirus Monkey was being very nice and allowing Eli Monkey to share his computer (well, take it really), but it just wasn't the same.

Eli Monkey's new laptop is a custom built HP dm3, the closest thing to Laptop Jack that anyone makes. Also, it has all sorts of special cooling technology so the same fate which befell Laptop Jack won't befall this one. I had a name in mind, but every time I name a computer, it dies.

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